Club Notes 22nd March

A chairde,

Here is news from around the Club this week:

With many pitches off over the weekend, there has been numerous changes to the scheduled fixtures. But at present the Adult fixtures for weekend are going ahead as planned:

AFL Div 2:
Naomh Barróg v St Patricks Donabate
Pairc Barróg, Throw-in 10.15am

AFL Div 10:
Naomh Barróg v Rosmini Gaels
Pairc Barróg, Throw-in 3pm

All support appreciated for the lads!

Child Safeguarding Course:
There is an online Child Safeguarding Course which is to be held on 3rd April @7pm. This is a requirement for all mentors/FLOs/coaches, so to regsiter please contact our Childrens Welfare Officer Sibéal Pepper on 087-9136980 or

Scoil Eoin Project on 50th anniversary of Naomh Barróg:
The children of 5th class in Scoil Eoin National School have produced a project on Naomh Barróg. This is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the club and the strong ties between the school and the club. On Wednesday 13/3/24 last, the president of the club, Dick Fields, chairman Martin Kiernan, vice chairman Diarmuid McHugh as well as club players Ciaran Gallagher and Joe Flanagan visited the school and met the pupils who produced the project. The club is delighted with the work of the children and intends to install the project work in the Juvenile room  as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations.

Barróg don Ghaeilge:  Seachtain na Gaeilge
Report: Pub Quiz  14/3/24
We had a fantastic evening at our Pub quiz on Thurs 14th March as part of our Seachtain na Gaeilge/ 50th Anniversary celebrations. We estimate that we had about 100 attendees. A big thank you to Donncha Ó Cathasaigh (from Bayside Pop Up) for acting as the quiz master, to Austin Keegan for generating and presenting the quiz questions and to the members of the Irish language committee for all the work on the night. Ashley Sheridan and Wingman donated the food on the night and Micheál Mac Donncha and Donncha Ó Cathasaigh supplied spot prizes. These spot prizes will be used at future POP Ups in Naomh Barróg. A grant from Conradh na Gaeilge “Ciste Spreagtha 2024” fund was used to purchase prizes for the winners of the quiz. Fergus O’Brien of Brenfer Jewellers generously donated a trophy to each of the winners.

Tuairisc: Tráth na gCeist 14/3/24
Bhí oíche den scoth againn ag an Tráth na gCeist (Déardaoin 14ú Márta) mar chuid dár gceiliúradh “Seachtain na Gaeilge” agus “50 Bliain”. Measaimid go raibh thart ar 100 duine i láthair. Míle buíochas do “fear an tí” Dhonncha Ó Cathasaigh (ó Pop Up Cois Bá), do Austin Keegan as ucht na gceisteanna a cruthú agus a chur i láthair agus do bhaill an choiste Gaeilge as an obair ar fad ar an oíche. Bhronn Ashley Sheridan agus Wingman an bia dúinn ar an oíche agus thúg Micheál Mac Donncha agus Donncha Ó Cathasaigh duaiseanna dúinn. Bainfear úsáid as na spotduaiseanna seo ag na “POP Up” anseo i Naomh Barróg. Bhí deontas ó “Ciste Spreagtha 2024” againn chun duaiseanna a cheannacht do na bhuaiteoirí. Bhronn Fergus O’Brien ó Brenfer Jewelers trófaí ar gach ceann de na buaiteoirí.

Easter Camps:
Easter Camps start on Monday 25th March at 10am. Booking is done through the following link:
There are still places available on both the Football and Hurling/Camogie week.

Other notes